About Us
About Us
What We Believe
What We Believe
Your Right to Wellness
Your Right to Wellness
Brain health is a human right. Happiness stems from the
self concept whose foundation has been built from making adaptive decisions. It is brain health that enables adaptive life decisions.
Brain health is a human right. Happiness stems from the self concept whose foundation has been built from making adaptive decisions. It is brain health that enables adaptive life decisions.
There Is a Mental Health Crisis in America
Mental health illnesses among children and adolescents are increasing. The suicide rate is rising among adolescents, more than doubling among the younger children and adolescents, ages 10-13. Our work lies here. We focus on treating anxious 13-year-olds and providing support for the mental health of parents and extended family."
We provide comprehensive psychiatric treatment for children, adolescents, and adults. Our foundation is built on psychopharmacology and psychotherapy practices, our approach rooted in training from Johns Hopkins and the academic practice of the University of Washington.
Mental health illnesses among children and adolescents are increasing.
The suicide rate is increasing among adolescents, more than doubling among the younger children and adolescents, ages 10-13. In response, we focus on treating anxious 13-year-olds and providing support for the mental health of parents and extended family.
We provide comprehensive psychiatric treatment for children, adolescents and adults.
The foundation of psychopharmacology and psychotherapy practices is rooted in the training from Johns Hopkins and the academic practice of the University of Washington.
Meet Dr. Yu
Double Boarded
Child, Adolescent, General Psychiatrist
Dr. Cassie Yu is a double boarded general, child, and adolescent psychiatrist with clinical expertise in treating complex, psychiatric illnesses in patients who have failed past treatment with other providers. She has a demonstrated track record of treating depression and anxiety disorders to full symptomatic remission and optimizing functional outcomes for psychotic disorders like bipolar affective disorder and schizophrenia. She served at the University of Washington for 10 years as the psychopharmacologic expert in autism spectrum disorder with co-morbid illnesses and as the Director for the Early Onset Psychosis Clinic at the Seattle Children’s Hospital before moving to her independent practice at West Hollywood.
Post Graduate Education and Training
Medical Degree: VCU School of Medicine in Richmond VA
Psychiatry Residency: John Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences in Baltimore, MD
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship: University of Washington School of Medicine, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry – deployed at the Seattle Children’s Hospital in Seattle, WA
Teaching Experience – University of Washington, Dept. of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry deployed at the Seattle Children’s Hospital
Jan. 2015-June 2020
Authored the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Syllabus section of the psychiatry section of University of Washington, School of Medicine’s medical curriculum
Provided didactics to child and adolescent psychiatry fellows, psychiatry residents and psychology interns
Provided continuing education to psychiatry residents, pediatric residents, fellows and colleagues on Early Onset Psychosis, Schizophrenia, Bipolar Affective Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder
Assistant Curriculum Director of Early Onset Psychosis Seminar for child and adolescent psychiatry fellow didactics
Work Experience – University of Washington, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry deployed at the Seattle Children’s Hospital
Jan. 2015-June 2020
Seattle Children’s Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine Unit – Attending
Seattle Children’s Autism Center– Attending
Seattle Children’s Early Onset Psychosis Clinic – Director
Whether suffering a first psychotic depression or self harm to soothe anxiety in autism, each person’s life story determines the alignment of their healing, therefore guides their individual treatment plan.
This is our path together.
Your life narrative directs the development of your formulation: your diagnosis and the way that you experience this diagnosis. Understanding your diagnosis is a dialogue that must feel right to you before discussion about your treatment. Upon understanding the formulation and diagnosis we will build a treatment plan.
for the right medicine choices and maintaining recovery
Medication management and therapy are a part of this plan and there are always choices. Each person reacts differently to medications or deep TMS and holds the autonomy in finding the right treatment to maintain recovery.
TMS, or transcranial magnetic stimulation, is an alternative treatment for a variety of mental health conditions, but it is most commonly used to treat major depression and anxiety. This non-invasive therapy involves using a targeted magnetic field to stimulate under-active neurons in specific parts of the brain. TMS therapy typically takes about 6 weeks and is over 70% effective for providing long-term relief from depression symptoms.
Depression is caused by a lack of sufficient activity in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, essentially the front left part of your brain. When this area is working properly, the entire brain lights up, creating an improved mood, working memory, and selective attention. TMS works by using magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain. This is done by placing a magnetic coil near the head, which produces magnetic pulses that stimulate the nerve cells in the targeted area.
TMS may be a good option for individuals who have not responded to traditional treatments for depression, such as medication and psychotherapy. However, it is important to speak with a mental health professional to determine if TMS is right for you.
During TMS treatment, you can sit comfortably and perform passive activities like reading a book, watching TV, or listening to music. Most patients report that TMS treatment feels like a gentle tapping sensation on the skull. Some patients experience a tingling or scalp sensitivity at the stimulation site during treatment, which can typically be mitigated by placing the device at a slightly different angle.
The most commonly reported side effects of TMS therapy include mild headache, scalp discomfort during stimulation, and lightheadedness, all of which are typically resolved shortly after the treatment session or within the first week. Many patients report no side effects at all.
Yes, TMS therapy is covered by almost all major insurance companies, depending on your insurance plan. Insurance plans can also have requirements for coverage, such as a prior history of antidepressant medication use or therapy treatments.
Whether experiencing a first psychotic depression or engaging in self-harm to alleviate anxiety in autism, each person’s life story determines the alignment of their healing. This, in turn, guides their individual treatment plan.
You are not alone in this.
Your life narrative directs the development of your formulation, including your diagnosis and the way you experience this diagnosis. Understanding your diagnosis is a dialogue that must feel right to you before discussing your treatment. Once the formulation and diagnosis are understood, we will create a treatment plan.
for the right medicine choices and maintaining recovery
Medication management and therapy are a part of this plan, and there are always choices. Each person reacts differently to medications and holds the autonomy to find the right treatment to maintain recovery.
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For Adults
You can call our highly experienced clinical team if your child, teenager or family is going through difficulties.
For Children
You can call our highly experienced clinical team if your child, teenager or family is going through difficulties.
For Business
You can call our highly experienced clinical team if your child, teenager or family is going through difficulties.
We Are The Best Support for You
Our clinic largest private mental health partnership, with a carefully selected nationwide team of Psychiatrists, Psychologists and Psychotherapists. We only work with highly experienced and capable partners who share our values.
Therapies & Treatments
Get a Counselling Right Now
Our clinic largest private mental health partnership, with a carefully selected nationwide team of Psychiatrists, Psychologists and Psychotherapists. We only work with highly experienced and capable partners who share our values.
What Our Patients Say
"Warm and innovative treatments available for children and adults alike. This place is a gem, highly recommended for the most complex cases and scenarios. So grateful for this place."
- Rachel S.
"Dr Yu is one of a kind. Compassionate, brilliant, and simply cares more about her patients than any practitioner I’ve ever met. She genuinely wanted to hear my entire life story and quietly listened. She kindly answered my questions and laid out several options for treatment. I will soon conclude my treatment and it has been life changing."
- Jackie P.
Find Us on a Map
We believe in the strength and resilience within each individual, and we're dedicated to empowering you along your path to healing. Come and find us, and let's take the first step together towards a brighter, healthier future. Your mental health matters, and so do you.
9201 W Sunset Blvd, #415
West Hollywood, CA 90069
Find Us on a Map
We believe in the strength and resilience within each individual, and we're dedicated to empowering you along your path to healing. Come and find us, and let's take the first step together towards a brighter, healthier future. Your mental health matters, and so do you.
9201 W Sunset Blvd, #415
West Hollywood, CA 90069
Mon - 10-6 PM
Tue - 10-6 PM
Wed - 10-6 PM
Thu - 10-6 PM
Fri - 10-6 PM
Sat/Sun - Closed
Ⓒ 2023 — Center for Community Brain Health — All rights reserved
What Our Patients Say
"You couldn’t ask for friendlier, more courteous or helpful people. I loved their customer service. I drive 30 miles just for the perfect one-on-one patient care I get here. Phenomenal employees who care about their patients."
Brenda P.
"My experience was great. The gentleman that helped me was super nice and kept me laughing the entire time. There was a very short wait and it was the end of their working day and his professionalism, energy and helpful nature was refreshing."
Terrence D.
9201 W Sunset Blvd, #415
West Hollywood, CA. 90069
Mon - 10-6 PM
Tue - 10-6 PM
Wed - 10-6 PM
Thu - 10-6 PM
Fri - 10-6 PM
Sat/Sun - Closed
Ⓒ 2023 — Center for Community Brain Health — All rights reserved